Sunday, June 4, 2017

Today for the church is the day of Pentecost. What does that mean to you and I? Well its a very important event for the church. Not only did it start the church era but it gave Christians a great comfort and guidance. I am speaking of course of the Holy Spirit. I was attending church tonight at a small church of amazing brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. There was a man there that I had not met before and he got up to sing two songs before it was my turn to speak. He first sang: "Nothing but the blood of Jesus" ( Warning, that may not be the actual title!) and "Here I am to worship"                        ( Also, that may not be the actual title!). I digress though. Duing this small but powerful performance I felt the Holy Spirit truly manifest itself into me. I don't always wave my hand in worship or loudly amen, though I do enjoy people following the spirit, but I found myself consumed by it. It was an awesome blessing to feel such an overwhelming joy!

Where does this leave off? How about this statement, we have the ability to be in fellowship with God 24/7/365. That is amazing in itself, is it not? Think about it: The God who knows you and me is the same God who loved us since before we were conceived. The God who created the multitudes of all living things. The architect  of existence chose sinners to feel this thing that is indescribable.

If you by chance stumbled onto this blog and you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal savior, now is a great time to pray this prayer.

"Mighty God, I am not able to live in this world on my own. I know that each day can be a struggle and I desperately want you to forgive me of my sins. I want a new start and I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins. I invite you into my life as father.

If you prayed that prayer, then welcome! Today is a new start and you have a new life in Jesus Christ.

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